Acne & Acne Scars

Acne can do more harm than expected. It can leave behind blemishes and scars that have a huge emotional impact and can last a lifetime. Delay in treatment of active acne is the most common reason for development of unsightly scars.

Acne scars can present as

  • Post inflammatory pigmentation
    These are small red, brown or black spots that develop due to acne
  • Atrophic scars
    These are depressed or pitted scars that develop usually due to severe untreated acne.

1. Ice-pick scars – these are deep narrow ‘V’ shaped scars that look like open pores. These scars are the most difficult to treat

2. Rolling scars – these are shallow scars that are not well defined and give the skin an undulating appearance

3. Box scars – these can be superficial or deep and are well defined with vertical edges.