Sweat Free

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is a common disorder that produces a lot of unhappiness and social embarrassment. It usually affects the underarms, palms, soles and face, mainly the upper lip

Hyperhidrosis can cause significant impact on a person’s life. It stains clothes, ruins personal relationships and social and professional interactions. It can also lead to practical difficulties like the person may find it difficult to hold a pen or shake hands.


Botox injections is a USFDA approved treatment for treating hyperhidrosis in the underarms. Botox can also be used to treat excessive sweating in the palms and soles.

It works by blocking the nerve signals that trigger the activation of sweat glands. Large number of units of botox are required to treat hyperhidrosis, however, a single session will control and regulate the sweat secretion for almost a year

Microneedling radiofrequency

Microneedling RF is used to reduce sweating in the underarms. It helps by destroying the sweat glands by a thermal tissue reaction. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia and takes about half an hour with no downtime. It leads to functional loss of sweat glands and thus reduces sweating almost permanently

Most patients benefit in 1 treatment, however, some may need upto 3 treatment sessions
