Fractional Laser

It is a device that delivers laser light that is divided in many microscopic treatment zones and hence it targets only fractions of the skin at a time. This leads to alternating columns of treated and untreated skin in the targeted area, thus making it a very safe and efficacious procedure.

Fractional laser works on both, the epidermal as well as the dermal layer of the skin. A few treatments with this laser can give a remarkable improvement in the depth of acne scars, thus, making the skin smoother and more even.

Fractional laser can be used to treat a large number of other skin concerns on face as well as body. Some of the indications are

  • Fines lines and wrinkles
  • Surgical scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Open pores
  • Photoageing of the skin
  • Pigmentation, especially secondary to sun damage

Fractional laser is very safe for all skin types and there is little or no downtime post the procedure

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