Klarity's Laser Hair Technology is effective on the Face, Full Body as well as Underarms, Bikini Line

Full Body

When you opt for a full body laser hair reduction at Klarity, the doctor thoroughly examines and analyses your skin and hair type.
The doctor will have a detailed discussion with you and explain as to what are the body parts that are amenable to laser hair reduction and will yield optimum results. This will usually include underarms, arms, legs and bikini areas.
On the face, chest, abdomen and back, the treatment will depend on the thickness, density and colour of hair.


Facial hair growth in women needs special attention and laser hair reduction should be attempted only under supervision of a qualified and experienced dermatologist. Thick hair growth on face, areola and midriff in a female is usually a sign of hormonal stimulation. It is important to evaluate the hormonal status and treat the imbalance medically if required.
Laser hair reduction is also done for certain parts on the face for males. Common parts of the face that are treated for laser hair reduction are –
  1. Women – Sidelocks, Chin, Upper lip, Lower lip, Neck
  2. Men – Beard shaping, Ear lobes
At the end of 6-8 sessions, the end result is very few, fine light hair that remain. Maintenance sessions may be required twice or thrice in a year.


Waxing or shaving the underarm hair makes the area prone to ingrowths and also darkening of the skin. Frequent shaving or waxing also tend to make the hair coarser and darker. Laser hair reduction for the underarm hair gives one of the best results over 6-8 sessions.


Having to wax or shave hair on the legs can be a huge hindrance before wearing those summary dresses. Ingrowths also tend to worsen with shaving or waxing. Laser hair reduction for legs provides amazing results. The ingrowths reduce and you get back the smooth hairfree skin within 6-10 sessions.

Full Bikini

Bikini area is one of the most commonly treated areas for laser hair reduction in women. Whether it’s the need to be always ready for a swim or its for intimate hygiene, laser hair reduction is the best solution. It takes away the need to wax or shave regularly and thus reduces the occurrence of ingrowths in this area.


Being the most visible area where unwanted hair can be a nuisance, laser hair reduction for arms is, again, one of the most commonly done procedures. Hair on the arms, generally being thinner and lighter as compared to the legs, arms may need a few more sessions to achieve optimum results.


Q1. What is laser hair reduction?

✓✓ A1. Laser hair reduction is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated light energy to target hair follicles, inhibiting future hair growth and leading to long-lasting hair reduction.

Q2: Is laser hair reduction effective for all skin types?

✓✓ A2: Advanced laser technology allows for treatment on a wide range of skin types and tones, making it suitable for many individuals.

Q3: Does laser hair reduction hurt?

✓✓ A3: Most people experience minimal discomfort, often described as a sensation similar to a rubber band snap. Modern lasers often include cooling technology for added comfort.

Q4: How many sessions are typically required for noticeable results?

✓✓ A4: Multiple sessions are needed due to the hair growth cycle. Generally, around 6 to 8 sessions spaced a few weeks apart are recommended for optimal results.

Q5: Is there any downtime after a laser hair reduction session?

✓✓ A5: There is usually no significant downtime. Some individuals may experience mild redness or sensitivity, but this typically subsides within a few hours.

Q6: Is laser hair reduction a permanent solution?

✓✓ A6: While it significantly reduces hair growth, some maintenance sessions may be needed over time to keep unwanted hair at bay.

Q7: Are there any areas of the body that can't be treated with laser hair reduction?

✓✓ A7: Laser hair reduction can be performed on most areas of the body, excluding the area around the eyes due to its sensitivity.

Q8: Can laser hair reduction be used for facial hair?

✓✓ A8: Yes, laser hair reduction can be safely used for facial hair, targeting areas like the upper lip, chin, and jawline.

Q9: Is there a specific time of the year when laser hair reduction is most effective?

✓✓ A9: Laser hair reduction can be performed throughout the year, but it’s often recommended to avoid excessive sun exposure before and after treatments.

Q10: Can laser hair reduction help with ingrown hairs?

✓✓ A10: Yes, laser hair reduction can reduce the occurrence of ingrown hairs by targeting the hair follicles and preventing future hair growth, thereby reducing the potential for irritation.