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Hair Fall & Thinning

Hair is probably one of the first things that we notice about people when we meet them. Healthy, shiny and beautiful hair always leaves a good impression, which is why, it is very important to take good care of your hair.No one would want to lose their hair. Hair loss and thinning can be one of the most stressful experience for men as well as women and can have far reaching consequences on the general well being

Common causes of hair loss

  1. Androgenetic alopecia – Commonest type of hair fall and thinning. Hormonal and genetic factors play a role in this type of hair loss.
  2. Telogen Effluvium – Crash dieting, nutritional deficiency, stress, prolonged illness, surgery, etc can trigger hair fall called as telogen effluvium.
  3. Overtreatment – Overtreatment with chemicals like colouring, rebonding, etc and excessive usage of styling treatments like hot combs can often lead to damage and hair loss



Dandruff is a very common scalp condition. It is more commonly seen in teenagers, however, it can affect almost any age group.

Flakes and an itchy, scaly scalp are the main symptoms of dandruff. White flakes typically accumulate on the scalp. This can often get worse during the winter months when the air is dry.

Additional symptoms can include:

  • red patches on the skin of the scalp, and sometimes on the face
  • eyebrow dandruff
  • hair loss
  • dry flakes on the skin of the face

Apart from medical treatment and certain lifestyle and hair care changes, dandruff can be improved with certain in-clinic treatments.


Dry, Frizzy Hair

Frizziness is caused by dry hair that lacks moisture. Ironically, humid, wet weather tends to make frizzy hair worse.

That’s because dry hair tries to absorb moisture out of the air, causing each hair’s cuticle, or outer layer, to swell up, instead of lying flat. The cuticle comprises overlapping scales, which separate and rise in moist air. This makes hair look frizzy.

Anything that dries out hair can make frizz worse. This includes shampoos that are alkaline, and products, such as styling gels, that contain alcohol. Styling tools that use heat can also dry out hair, making frizz erupt.

Frequent colouring of hair, as well as other chemical treatments like rebonding, can also cause severe drying of the hair shafts


Patchy Hair loss

Alopecia areata is a condition that causes hair to fall out in patches. These patches may connect and then become more noticeable. The condition is an autoimmune condition where the immune system of the body attacks the hair follicles causing hair loss.

Alopecia areata may occur on the scalp and in some cases, eyebrows, eyelashes, and face, as well as other parts of the body.

Apart from the medical line of treatments, there are procedures that help to regrow hair sooner.


Hair Loss during pregnancy

Most women enjoy beautiful lustrous hair during pregnancy owing to high levels of circulating estrogen hormone. However, post delivery, within 3 months, the anagen hair goes into the resting phase and women experience a lot of hair loss at 3 months post delivery. Usually this is self-limiting and stops within a few weeks. Sometimes, however, hair loss becomes excessive and chronic and may need treatment.

Our doctor will evaluate your concern and suggest the right treatment accordingly along with oral and topical medications if required.
