Hand & Feet Rejuvenation

Youthful hands and feet appear smooth skinned and plump. Ageing changes on the hands and feet include wrinkly skin, loss of volume, prominently visible veins and ligaments and uneven discolouration or pigmentation

Apart from ageing, hands and feet are subjected to more sun exposure, pollutants, harsh chemicals and other environmental factors. The daily wear and tear of the tissues on hands and feet is also high as they are subjected to a whole lot of stress and strain during the regular day to day activities.

Also, while most of us do take regular care of the skin on the face, hands and feet are often neglected

Our hands and feet rejuvenation services include a number of services that help to improve the signs of ageing on these areas.

Treatments like deep dermal peels, Q switched laser and mesotherapy help to reduce the surface pigmentation, fine lines, etc., thus improving the appearance of the skin.

PRP and skin boosters help to improve the firmness of the skin and reduce the wrinkly appearance.

Dermal fillers are used to reinstate volume into the hollows between the tendons and ligaments. They restore the fuller look and reduce the visibility of veins and ligaments
