Platelet Rich plasma (PRP)

A small amount of blood is drawn and centrifuged in a special tube. This separates the plasma that is rich in platelet derived growth factors. The plasma is then injected into the skin with the help of tiny needles.The growth factors stimulate the skin cells resulting in a rejuvenated firmer, fresher, looking skin.

The growth factors in the platelets stimulate collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin and thus helps to smoothen fine lines and wrinkles. PRP can also help to reduce the appearance of widened open pores. Thus, it is a great treatment for improving overall skin texture and tone.

A major advantage of PRP is that it can be done very safely in the periorbital area, where other treatments like laser cannot be performed. It’s a wonderful tool to treat early signs of ageing in this area, namely, fine lines, darkening and puffiness.

The collagen stimulation by the growth factors can also be beneficial in treatment of pitted acne scars. PRP can be done alone, or, in combination with treatments like Dermaroller or MNRF and the results are ratifying.

The rejuvenating effect helps to improve certain types of pigmentation and restores the skin to a healthier state.