
Reclaim Your Crown by defying Hair Fall and Thinning with Klarity’s Hair Care procedures!

Rediscover the power of a full, vibrant crown with our empowering hair fall and thinning solutions. At Klarity Skin Clinic, we understand the challenges that hair loss and thinning present, and we’re here to guide you towards a renewed sense of confidence.

Our services are meticulously designed to address the root causes of hair fall, Dandruff and thinning problems providing you with a personalized path to rejuvenation. Witness the transformation as our expert team employs cutting-edge techniques, nourishing treatments, and tailored approaches that work harmoniously to restore your hair’s strength and density.

It’s not just about combating hair fall or hair loss– it’s about embracing your resilience and reclaiming the crown you deserve. Step into a future where your hair flourishes, and your confidence soars. Join us on this empowering journey, and let your hair tell the story of your triumphant comeback.

What causes concerns about Hair thinning ?

1. Androgenetic alopecia – Commonest type of hair fall and thinning. Hormonal and genetic factors play a role in this type of hair loss

2. Telogen Effluvium – Crash dieting, nutritional deficiency, stress, prolonged illness, surgery, etc can trigger hair fall called as telogen effluvium

What other Hair concerns can be met?

  • Hair Thinning and Fall
  • Balding
  • Chemically Damaged Hair
  • Dry and Frizzy Hair
  • Dandruff
  • Hair Loss during Pregnancy

What other Hair concerns can be met?

  • Hair Thinning and Fall
  • Balding
  • Chemically Damaged Hair
  • Dry and Frizzy Hair
  • Dandruff
  • Hair Loss during Pregnancy

Revive your Scalp by Igniting Activation and Fuel New Hair Growth with Unstoppable Power

Elevate your Hair’s potential with our revitalizing scalp activation. At Klarity Skin Clinic, we’re dedicated to rejuvenating your scalp, the foundation of thriving hair growth.

Our innovative approach awakens dormant follicles, breathing life into every strand. Through dynamic techniques and potent solutions, we fuel new hair growth with unwavering strength.

Witness the transformation as your scalp becomes a fertile ground for resilient, unstoppable hair. Embrace a future where your hair defies limits, embodying vitality and vigour. Let’s embark on this journey together and experience the thrill of revived scalp and unstoppable hair growth.

hr Session

times a month

There is always a first time! 

hr Session

times a month

There is always a first time! 

How does it actually improve your Hair Condition

  • Promotes Hair Follicle Cell proliferation
  • Scalp Activation
  • Controls Hair Fall
  • Controls Balding
  • Reduces Active Hair Fall
  • Restores Natural Balance of Hair Scalp
  • Controls Hair Thinning
  • Boost Hair Growth
  • Improves Hair Thickness
  • Improved Nutrient absorption
  • Exfoliates Scalp
  • Fills in Pigments in Thinning Hair

How does it actually improve your Hair Condition

  • Promotes Hair Follicle Cell proliferation
  • Scalp Activation
  • Controls Hair Fall
  • Controls Balding
  • Reduces Active Hair Fall
  • Restores Natural Balance of Hair Scalp
  • Controls Hair Thinning
  • Boost Hair Growth
  • Improves Hair Thickness
  • Improved Nutrient absorption
  • Exfoliates Scalp
  • Fills in Pigments in Thinning Hair

We have a bouquet of tailored Brilliance for Your Hair with

  • Hair Serums
  • Hair Spa Indulgence
  • Hair Active Ingredients
  • Scalp and Hair Peels

Our offerings encompass a range of treatments designed to boost your Hair’s vitality. Nourish with Hair Serums that breathe life into each strand, while the Hair Spa pampers and rejuvenates, offering a spa indulgence like no other. Experience the potent efficacy of Hair Active Ingredients that target specific concerns, restoring vibrancy from within. Elevate further with Hair Injectables, a revolutionary path to fuller hair and renewed confidence.

Reveal your scalp’s health with Scalp and Hair Peels, invigorating growth for radiant locks. Each treatment caters to unique needs, as we craft a symphony of solutions that inspire hair’s ultimate brilliance. Embrace the exceptional, and let your hair flourish in the artistry of care.

Our Range of Hair Care Treatments

Our expert Dermatologist will tailor make the treatment with a combination of treatments to suit your concern and Hair goal

Reduces Active Hair Fall and improves Hair Density

Treats Hair Loss and Hair Thinning

Increases circulation in Scalp for better Nutrient Absorption

Microdots of pigments cover or filling thinning Hair

Restores natural balance of essential hair and scalp components.

Scalp Exfoliation

Increases Hair Production

Injects cocktail of actives to stimulate the hair’s natural regeneration and proliferation process.

Low level Laser light to promote Hair Regrowth

Controlled needle wounding improves circulation and promotes new Hair Follicles

Serum treatment promotes: Hair Follicle Cell Proliferation

Concentrate of growth factors from one’s own blood stimulate and regenerate the hair follicles on the scalp

Reduces Active Hair Fall and improves Hair Density

Treats Hair Loss and Hair Thinning

Increases circulation in Scalp for better Nutrient Absorption

Microdots of pigments cover or filling thinning Hair

Restores natural balance of essential hair and scalp components.

Scalp Exfoliation

Increases Hair Production

Injects cocktail of actives to stimulate the hair’s natural regeneration and proliferation process.

Low level Laser light to promote Hair Regrowth

Controlled needle wounding improves circulation and promotes new Hair Follicles

Serum treatment promotes: Hair Follicle Cell Proliferation

Concentrate of growth factors from one’s own blood stimulate and regenerate the hair follicles on the scalp


Q1. What causes hair fall?

✓✓ Answer: Hair fall can be caused by factors such as genetics, hormonal changes, poor diet, stress, and certain medical conditions.

Q2: Can hair fall be prevented?

✓✓ Yes, maintaining a balanced diet, practising good hair hygiene, managing stress, and using appropriate hair care products can help prevent hair fall.

Q3: What is Regenera Activa?

✓✓ Regenera Activa is a non-surgical hair restoration procedure that uses micrografts containing regenerative cells to stimulate hair growth.

Q4: How does scalp peel help hair growth?

✓✓ Scalp peels exfoliate and cleanse the scalp, removing buildup and promoting a healthier environment for hair follicles, potentially enhancing hair growth.

Q5: Can hair fall be a temporary issue?

✓✓ Yes, hair fall can be temporary due to factors like stress, post-pregnancy hormonal changes, and certain illnesses. In such cases, hair often regrows naturally.

Q6: How does Biocell help hair growth?

✓✓ Biocell promotes hair growth by providing nutrients, proteins, and growth factors that nourish hair follicles and encourage healthy hair development.

Q7: How does scalp care impact hair health?

✓✓ Maintaining a clean and well-nourished scalp supports healthy hair growth by creating an ideal environment for hair follicles.

Q8: Can hair fall due to styling practices be prevented?

✓✓ Yes, avoiding excessive heat, tight hairstyles, and chemical treatments can prevent hair damage and fall caused by these styling practices.

Q9: What causes TelogenEffluvium ?

✓✓ Telogen Effluvium is triggered by stressors such as illness, surgery, hormonal changes, or extreme stress, pushing hair follicles into a resting phase, resulting in temporary hair shedding.

Q10: Is professional guidance necessary for severe hair fall?

✓✓ Yes, if hair fall is persistent or severe, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment recommendations.

Remember that individual experiences may vary, and seeking professional advice is recommended for addressing
persistent hair fall concerns.