Semi – permanent make up

Semi-permanent makeup is a form of cosmetic tattooing that can be done to enhance features like your eyebrows and your lips. The procedure takes away the need to spend a whole lot of time on doing up these areas with make up on a daily basis.

A special method called Microblading is used to insert pigment into the upper layers of skin on the brow using a safe, non-reactive, hypoallergenic pigment available in a variety of colours which can be mixed to create your very own custom shade. Semi-permanent makeup can last anywhere from 2 – 6 years depending on a number of factors.

This helps to create a more defined eyebrow shape, or replace hair or colour loss in the eyebrows to mostly to ageing, damage from over plucking and other medical conditions causing hair loss such as alopecia.

Semi permanent make up for the lip is a type of cosmetic tattooing procedure achieved by depositing pigments in your lips using small needles.

While also sometimes called lip tattooing, this is more of a cosmetic enhancement rather than traditional tattoo art. The focus is on altering both colour and shape to create younger-looking, aesthetically pleasing lips.

Getting the procedure does not mean you will be stuck with the same colour all the time. The idea is to have a very natural looking, enhanced lip that looks good even without a lipstick. You may just use a lip balm or gloss to enhance it further. You can definitely use lipstick of any other colour on top if you wish to.
