Ageing Of Hands

Apart from the face and neck, one part of the body that shows signs of ageing very early on is the hands. As the fat and collagen in the hands deplete with age, the hands lose a youthful, plump, and smooth appearance. The skin appears crepy and age spots may develop. The veins and tendons appear more pronounced, making the hands look unattractive.

There are plenty of treatments available to turn back the clock on your hands. The principle of treatment remains the same as for those concerns on the face.

Peels can help to reduce and fade dark spots on the hands. Peels like glycolic acid, TCA, retinol peel, mangobrite peel and even cosmelan peel can be done on the hands, depending on the skin type and severity of the pigmentation. Peels will also help to improve the texture and make the hands look less wrinkled.
Few sessions of Q switched laser can help to reduce the pigment and spots on the hands. The Q switched laser also improves the texture and makes the hands look smoother and less wrinkled.

Dermal Fillers can be injected to replace the lost volume and reduce the hollow appearance. The hands regain the youthful, plump look.

Mesotherapy and skin boosters can help to improve the dryness and fine wrinkles that occur as a part of the ageing process.

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