Home > Concerns > Acne & Acne Scars

Blackheads, Whiteheads, Acne, Pimples

Acne or pimples is one of the most common skin condition presenting to a dermatologist. It can affect people of all ages, but predominantly occurs during teenage years. Acne occurs as a result of blockage of the openings of hair follicles by sebum and dead cells. Severity can vary depending upon the presence of blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.

Acne can have profound social and psychological effects. These are not necessarily related to its severity.

While the diagnosis of acne is very simple, the challenge lies in treating it. Acne can have various causes and recognizing the cause is crucial for the right treatment. Early recognition and treatment is very important and can prevent occurrence of scars


Acne Marks & Scars

Acne can do more harm than expected. It can leave behind blemishes and scars that have a huge emotional impact and can last a lifetime. Delay in treatment of active acne is the most common reason for development of unsightly scars.

Acne scars can present as

  • Post inflammatory pigmentation

These are small red, brown or black spots that develop due to acne

  • Atrophic scars

These are depressed or pitted scars that develop usually due to severe untreated acne. Atrophic scars can be of the following variety

  1. Ice-pick scars – these are deep narrow ‘V’ shaped scars that look like open pores. These scars are the most difficult to treat
  2. Rolling scars – these are shallow scars that are not well defined and give the skin an undulating appearance
  3. Box scars – these can be superficial or deep and are well defined with vertical edges.


Oily Skin

The oil content of the skin comes from sebum, which is a secretion from sebaceous glands in the skin. Some amount of oil is required and helps to protect the skin from external toxins. However, excess oil can make the skin look very shiny and dull and leads to break – outs. The common causes that give rise to an oily skin are genetics, humid environment and certain hormonal changes.
